the Degree Confluence Project

Germany : Bayern

0.9 km (0.6 miles) NNW of Aßling, Bayern, Germany
Approx. altitude: 484 m (1587 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 168°W

Accuracy: 8 m (26 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the east #3: View to the south #4: View to the west #5: The DCP #6: Map of the Area #7: Memorial near the DCP #8: The car on the spot

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  48°N 12°E (visit #9)  

#1: View to the north

(visited by Winfried Adam)


14-Aug-2005 -- Als ich in Freising losgefahren bin, um wieder einmal einen DCP aufzusuchen, war noch ganz ordentliches Wetter. Ab Grafing bei München hat es allerdings geregnet. So hab ich versucht, mit dem Auto möglichst nahe an den heute angepeilten DCP 48N 12E heranzukommen, was nicht weiter schwierig war, da er nur wenige Meter neben einem asphaltierten Feldweg liegt. Die grobe Anreise hab ich wieder mit TomTom (inzwischen Version 5) hinter mich gebracht. Die DCPs in Bayern hab ich mir als POI (Point-of-Interest) reingeladen, da kann mit der Anreise nicht mehr viel schief gehen. Die letzten Meter hab ich dann zu Fuß mit Unterstützung meines Garmin Legend erledigt.

Inzwischen war der Regen ziemlich stark geworden, aber nun hatte ich schon mal angefangen, also musste der Punkt auch dokumentiert werden. Ich kam leider nur bis auf ca. 5 m an den Punkt ran, weil er in einem Maisacker liegt und der Mais nun schon ziemlich hoch steht. An ein Reinkommen war nicht zu denken, und so fehlten mir in Nordrichtung 0,2", was aber eher zu vernachlässigen ist!


14-Aug-2005 -- When I left Freising to visit once again a confluence point, the weather was still quite fair. But at Grafing near Munich it started raining. So I tried to approach today's goal 48N 12E by car as closely as possible, which was not too difficult because it is situated only a couple of metres beside an asphalted farm track. I performed the rough approach again by means of TomTom (meanwhile version 5). As I have stored all the Confluences in Bavaria as POIs (points of interest), not much can go wrong with the journey. The last metres I did on foot with the help of my Garmin Legend.

Meanwhile, the rain had become quite intense, but now that I had started, I couldn't give up and the point had to become documented. Unfortunately, I could not get closer than approx. 5 m to the point because it is in a maize field and the maize had already grown up fairly high. Getting inside was unthinkable and so 0.2" were missing in direction North, but this should be negligible.

 All pictures
#1: View to the north
#2: View to the east
#3: View to the south
#4: View to the west
#5: The DCP
#6: Map of the Area
#7: Memorial near the DCP
#8: The car on the spot
ALL: All pictures on one page