the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : England

3.0 km (1.9 miles) NW of Fletching, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 25 m (82 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 51°S 180°

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: East #3: South #4: West #5: Ground #6: GPS #7: Tractor #8: Frozen #9: Hay #10: Orchard #11: Wood #12: Planting #13: Winery

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  51°N 0° (visit #21)  

#1: North

(visited by Gordon Spence)

02-Feb-2015 -- I had been on an appointment in the South-East and on my way home spotted the sign for The Bluebell Railway. That can mean only one thing, the opportunity to do the W-E straddle with one foot either side of the meridian.

Park up at the edge of the road, cross over and decide to take the left path towards the CP. The tractor is parked in it's usual place and is starting to look the worse for wear. They've got rid of quite a lot of wood though compared to this stack.

Just to be different this time I cut across the field between the two paths and walk down the right hand side one. The Oast House now has a fledgling orchard planted, perhaps on the 35th visit here there might something to show for it...

It has been a relatively mild winter this year, but it is cold today being early February. As I pass by a water trough the surface is ice.

Continue on round and find the spot, as I hadn't intended coming here today I am forced to rely on my car sat-nav instead of the trusty 76Csx.

Click off the required photos and wander back to the car.

This time I decide to leave by carrying on down the lane away from the CP and the railway. I haven't gone far before I see signs of massive planting, looks to be too many to be trees. It isn't they are starting a new vineyard, so maybe in a few years time we can toast a viit to the CP with wine made just a couple of miles away.

 All pictures
#1: North
#2: East
#3: South
#4: West
#5: Ground
#6: GPS
#7: Tractor
#8: Frozen
#9: Hay
#10: Orchard
#11: Wood
#12: Planting
#13: Winery
ALL: All pictures on one page