the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : England

1.1 km (0.7 miles) W of Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 84 m (275 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 52°S 179°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking South #3: Looking East #4: Looking West #5: Confluencer and his lovely wife, Misha, enjoying a celebration dinner together #6: Village of Buckingham at the confluence #7: Cemetery across the road from the confluence

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  52°N 1°W (visit #27)  

#1: Looking North

(visited by Peter Cao)

11-Sep-2010 -- While in the UK on holiday with family and friends, I sneaked away one afternoon while the others were shopping at the nearby Bicester Shopping Centre. Driving and using the on-board SatNav made getting within spitting distance a snap.

The great thing about confluence hunting is that it forces you to take routes and go places you ordinarily wouldn't travel and this was no exception. Getting off the highway, I was suddenly in rural England on single track country roads driving past picturesque farms. This point was in a village beside a business inside a paddock with some cattle.

The point was about 300 meters inside and I had to climb a fence to get in. I thought about asking if it was okay from a nearby house, but using the Chinese methodology I decided it is easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. The point was near a stream and I had no difficulties nailing it. Afterward, I visited the village cemetery across the street and then drove back to Bicester to pick up my party with the satisfaction of getting my first confluence point in Europe.

 All pictures
#1: Looking North
#2: Looking South
#3: Looking East
#4: Looking West
#5: Confluencer and his lovely wife, Misha, enjoying a celebration dinner together
#6: Village of Buckingham at the confluence
#7: Cemetery across the road from the confluence
ALL: All pictures on one page