the Degree Confluence Project

Poland : Śląskie

1.9 km (1.2 miles) S of Władysławów, Śląskie, Poland
Approx. altitude: 210 m (688 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 51°S 161°W

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: east #3: north #4: west #5: south #6: gps

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  51°N 19°E (visit #5)  

#1: 100 meters to the confluence point

(visited by Adam Rugala and Jacek Rugala)

15-Apr-2006 --



From Czestochowa we were going via Miedzno to Dzialoszyn. A few kilometers after Miedzno gps was showing, give or take 3,5 km eastwards, so we decided to take the nearest way towards this direction. After 1 km - drive along access road we started driving along a dirt road, through the fields. When we saw 2,2 km to our destination, we found the better road, not asphalt but paved. Then, after a few hundred meters, we took the first turn to the left. We were going more or less 1 km along this asphalt road and afterwards we turned right. Then, along the unpaved road and we stopped our car, when gps was showing 120 meters.

This drive and the view made we were under the impression that this place and surroundings were near by the Baltic Sea. I mean, the sand on the road, trees and peculiar weather. Curious impression..

Passing by the pylon, which was droning in an interesting way, through the forest and finally we've reached the point 51N 19E. We've hounted zeros, took some photos and placed a big stump at the confluence point.

Altitude: 203 m

Accuracy: 6 m


Od Czestochowy jechalismy droga przez Miedzno w kierunku Dzialoszyna. Kilka kilometrow za Miedznem, gps pokazwywal okolo 3,5 km na wschod, wiec zdecydowalismy skrecic w najblizsza droge, prowadzaca w kierunku przeciecia. Po 1 km jezdzie po drodze dojazdowej do gruntow rolnych, wjechalismy na polna droge, ktora jechalismy przez kilka minut. Kiedy zobaczylimy, ze gps pokazuje okolo 2,2 km do naszego celu, wyjechalismy na zwirowa droge. Po przejechaniu owa droga kilkuset metrow, skrecilismy w lewo, jednoczesnie wyjezdzajac na droge asfaltowa. Jechalismy nia okolo 1 km, a na rozwidleniu skrecilismy w prawo. Potem droga polna i zatrzymalismy w koncu samochod, kiedy gps pokazywal okolo 120 metrow.

Dziwne wrazenie, ale wydawalo nam sie, ze znajdujemy sie niedaleko morza. Piasek na drodze, drzewa charakterystyczne dla pasa wybrzeznego i taka specyficzna pogoda..

Przeszlismy obok slupa wysokiego napiecia, ktory brzeczal w ciekawy sposob, potem przez lasek az do ostatecznego osiagniecia punktu 51N 19E. Upolowalismy zera, zrobilismy troche zdjec i postawilismy duzy pniak na przecieciu.

Wysokosc: 203 m

Dokladnosc: 6 m

 All pictures
#1: 100 meters to the confluence point
#2: east
#3: north
#4: west
#5: south
#6: gps
ALL: All pictures on one page