the Degree Confluence Project

China : Shānxī Shěng

6.3 km (3.9 miles) ESE of Qiaojiayuan, Shānxī, China
Approx. altitude: 1247 m (4091 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 36°S 68°W

Accuracy: 5.1 km (3.2 mi)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: East View  - 从汇交点东望的景观 #3: South View  - 从汇交点南望的景观 #4: GPS #5: Old man at Xing Ma (邢马)--邢马村的老人 #6: 邢马村民居 #7: The jeep break down--抛锚的车

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  36°N 112°E (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: North View  - 从汇交点北望的景观

(visited by Wang Jun, Li Hong Wen and Yu Feng)

English Narrative

04-May-2007 -- 利用五一长假自驾山西游,出发前在家已查询到一些未探寻过的GPS汇交点。其中就包括N36E112这点,它位于临汾东40KM南10KM。早晨出发前先去临汾市内的尧庙浏览了一番,然后就向东直奔这点


于是又返回找到那条叉路,那是一条很窄的土路,起伏也较大,但很快接近了汇交点,当行驶到一个较徒的坡时,老李下车指引倒车,突然发现我们的车在哗哗漏油。这如何是好,这里前不着村后不着店,油漏光了只能找车来牵引,油在哗哗地漏,我们也不敢着车,怕有火星引着了车。唯一能采取的补救措施就是先把油接出来保存好,等放完了油焊好油箱才能走。第一步就是接油了,于是我不假思索地赶紧剪了个矿泉水瓶钻到车下去接汽油。由于车是停在一个大徒坡上,只能看到油从油箱顶部的一个管子流出来,三、四分钟就接一瓶,油漏的面积也较大,接时汽油也顺着我胳膊往下流,我整个左小臂都相当于浸泡在汽油里。这样每次接的也就不到一升,刚加了近七十升油,如要瓶瓶全部放出,不堪设想.在接了五六瓶后我的右小臂已经感觉杀疼的难忍,我想能否通过油泵来抽油呢,我要试试, 于是我请老于来代替我接油。我开始还不敢用电子泵抽油,怕电子泵的电打火不安全,只把电子泵到化油器的管子拆下放到油箱里想虹吸把油抽出来,但管子比进油口下不去。只好再尝试用电子泵抽油,这时老于也已被汽油腌得受不了了。大家做好了逃离的准备,然后开启了电子泵抽油,居然安然无事,比我们接油要快得多。让我们喜出望外的是,当我们接出了大约二十多升油后,油箱就停止了漏油。我们再试着启动了车,居然没问题,再对全车的安全进行了彻底的检查,还是老李发现了一大隐患,那根从电子泵到化油器的油管由于没把接头处拧紧,在不停地往发动机上漏油。多亏了及时发现,不然在行车中发动机升温很快就能把这些油点燃,后果不堪设想。匆匆原地拍照,赶紧往回走。


English Narrative

04-May-2007 -- The May holiday was spent for a driving trip to the point N36E112. Before setting out, I searched several unhunted confluence points. N36E112 was among the points and is located 40km east and 10km south of Linfen. I visited the Yao temple which is inside Linfen city before heading east to N36E112.

There were blacktop roads all along the way. We made our way forward just according to the approximate direction and got to Fushan county at about 10 in the morning. Believing the point was on the way to Zhaituoda county and we were then over 10 kms away from there. We went directly from the gas station to the point after filling up our car. After a short while, GPS reported that there’s still 7 or 8 kms to that point to our left, hence going along a forked road and entered a tranquil village with no roads further ahead. We took a break and had some food. The local folks told us that the village was called Xingma. GPS indicated that N36E112 was basically in the northeast direction with the linear distance of about 6 km. Villagers advised there’s a mud road direct to that point.

We went back to that fork, and followed a rugged narrow mud road reaching to the confluence point very quickly. When driving near a steep slope, Lao Li got off the car to direct the car to reverse and all of a sudden found our car was leaking gas. We didn’t dare to start up the car for fear of a fire and we didn’t know what to do next. The only thing we could do was to get the gas out of the car and store in a safe manner till the gas tank was mended. A mineral water bottle with the cap off was used to hold the gas. Until we filled up 6 bottles, we considered to try alternatively with pumps. We took the risk to do this with a electric pump and it turned out to be ok and this was much faster than with the water bottle. To our surprise and joy, the gas tank stopped leaking after taking about 20 iters gas out of it. We managed to start up the car without any problem. Lao Li found a big hidden trouble after a thorough examination that the gas pipe which connected the electric pump and carburetor wasn’t turned tightly and was leaking gas to the engine. Thanks to Lao Li or we would have had deadly trouble if the engines lit the gas. We took photos hurriedly and made our way back.

Although this hunt failed upon reaching the confluence point, we still felt happy since we had a successful retreat, which is a victory for us. That was again an unusual hunting experience. Every hunting has its unique happening and unexpected difficulty which I guess is the story the confluence point brings for the world. It is also the joy every time I’m going to explore and to conquer, the true meaning to hunt a GPS confluence point.

 All pictures
#1: North View - 从汇交点北望的景观
#2: East View - 从汇交点东望的景观
#3: South View - 从汇交点南望的景观
#4: GPS
#5: Old man at Xing Ma (邢马)--邢马村的老人
#6: 邢马村民居
#7: The jeep break down--抛锚的车
ALL: All pictures on one page