the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Santa Fe

12.5 km (7.8 miles) ENE of Colonia Alpina (Santiago del Estero), Santa Fe, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 90 m (295 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 30°N 118°E

Accuracy: 9 m (29 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North #3: West #4: South #5: Dirt road #6: Chapell #7: Myself #8: GPS #9: Ceres

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  30°S 62°W (visit #1)  

#1: East

(visited by Juan Oscar Paviolo)


19-Nov-2003 -- Hace bastante tiempo que tenia la idea de alcanzar alguna confluencia, y esta fue la primera..... Viajaba al noroeste argentino por la ruta 34 y recordé que cerca de Ceres estaba esta confluencia.

Tome por un camino de ripio, que luego se convirtió en tierra y no llegue a menos de 4 kilómetros. Lo único que rompia con el paisaje campestre era una capilla. En esa zona los caminos vecinales no estan muy cerca. Ya me inmaginaba caminando los 4000 metros...!!!!!

Me subí al techo de la camioneta y con el teleobjetivo de la cámara fotográfica vi un auto en otro camino que parecía mas cercano.

Comencé a dar vueltas guiado por el GPS pero nunca me acercaba, hasta que de repente apareció un camino diagonal que me dejó a 400 metros a la confluencia. El resto fue facil. Caminé por el sembrado, saqué las fotos correspondientes y continué viaje.

Lo que no podía faltar son los colores argentino, el celeste y el blanco. Al pasar por Ceres, en una plaza vi un monumento al mundo, representado en un globo terraqueo con paralelos y meridianos.....Quizas esto sea una señal....!!!!


For a while I have had the idea of reaching some confluence´points, and this was first..... As I traveled the Argentinean northwest by route 34 I remembered that near Ceres there was this confluence.

I took a dirt road that took me to 4 kilometers from my goal. The only thing that broke the rustic landscape was a chapel. In that zone the local roads are not close together. I already inmagined myself walking the 4000 meters left...!!!!!

I climbed to the top on my light truck and with the telephoto lens of the camera I saw a car in another road that seemed closer to the confluence.

I started to go in circles guided by the GPS but never got closer..., until, suddenly, appeared a road diagonal to the one I was driving on that left me within 400 meters. The rest was easy. I walked the cultivated field, I took the corresponding photos and I continued my trip.

What could not be missing are the colors of Argentine, celestial and white. When crossing through Ceres, in a square I saw a monument to the world, represented by a globe with parallels and meridians... Maybe this is a signal....!!!!

 All pictures
#1: East
#2: North
#3: West
#4: South
#5: Dirt road
#6: Chapell
#7: Myself
#8: GPS
#9: Ceres
ALL: All pictures on one page