the Degree Confluence Project

Australia : New South Wales

5.7 km (3.5 miles) W of Atholwood, NSW, Australia
Approx. altitude: 576 m (1889 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 29°N 29°W

Accuracy: 500 m (546 yd)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Views north, east, west and south from the 200m-out point #3: Dave (left) and Doug at the 200m-out point #4: Map showing GPS track to the 200m-out point #5: View west near the confluence - a rare horizon glimpse #6: GPS reading at the 200m-out point - GPS datum was inaccurate #7: A jubilant Doug on the second visit

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  29°S 151°E (visit #2) (incomplete) 

#1: View west from Doug's second visit, 200m from the confluence

(visited by Doug Roberts, Dave Darcey and Juli Roberts)

23-Oct-2003 -- This was my 3rd visit to 29°S 151°E as the first attempt in October 2002 with friend Mike and his son Sean ended in near disaster for me, although we did get within 900m then and successfully claimed this confluence as an 'attempt/incomplete'.

Then back in May, I had another go with friend Dave and wife Juli (although Juli didn't do the walked approach).

This one I submitted as a success and it was pending for a while. The reason being, we had decided on a nearer aproach from the west and had managed to get the car to within 800m of the confluence.

A half hour walk had seen Dave and I sitting on the very spot, so, in jubilation we walked back and I later wrote the story as a second 'successful' submission, NOT REALISING that I had used an old map, uploaded the point to my GPS and introduced a 200 metre error. Too far out to claim! I came clean, and told the DCP people.

This third story now recounts my third trip, just completed, on 23rd of October 2003. The day was chosen as the anniversary of my first attempt, the one that gave me the heart attack (can't keep a good man down !).

After checking in to the Royal Hotel in Texas, Juli and I rushed off in the direction of the Hill, and met with landowner James, who remembered us from last time.

The sun was starting to go down so we didn't waste any time and set off along the fence tracks previously suggested by James. In fact, we took one slight variation toword the end, down along a new section of fence line. The track is very rough, and my Landcruiser had its paintwork scratched a fair bit, and I was nervous about the sharp flint stones. A puncture up here wouldn't be funny, especially with sun going.

Anyway, we reached a point on the fence where it was just 680m to the confluence. As agreed with James, I tied a white plastic bag on the fence to mark where we had crossed the fence, then Juli and I set off up the hill. (Not long after, I slipped and fell full length over a log that rolled from under my feet!).

But it was late and too hard going for Jules, and not too easy for me either. I guessed we might have made it but it would have been dark by then, and this is no terrain to tackle at night, so we cut the attempt short at just 500m from the confluence, and, disappointed returned to the car.

On the way back I took a few more pictures, and we stopped to let James know we were back, and drove sadly back to the Hotel in Texas.

No plans for another attempt yet, but as I write I notice Chris Gray has written up a successful visit on October 4th which is not yet verified. I will be interested to hear his story and be the first to congratulate him if he made it OK.

 All pictures
#1: View west from Doug's second visit, 200m from the confluence
#2: Views north, east, west and south from the 200m-out point
#3: Dave (left) and Doug at the 200m-out point
#4: Map showing GPS track to the 200m-out point
#5: View west near the confluence - a rare horizon glimpse
#6: GPS reading at the 200m-out point - GPS datum was inaccurate
#7: A jubilant Doug on the second visit
ALL: All pictures on one page