the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Texas

12.3 miles (19.9 km) E of Rocksprings, Edwards, TX, USA
Approx. altitude: 711 m (2332 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 30°S 80°E

Accuracy: 1.0 km (1093 yd)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Confluence on the horizon #3: Just another beautiful stream #4: No caption needed

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  30°N 100°W (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: Failed proof of location...

(visited by Luke Bartkiewicz)

09-Jun-2001 -- This is a great part of Texas with hills, winding roads and clear blue-green streams. This area is fairly dry, covered with limestone, cactus, live oak trees, and juniper bushes. Since this is ranch country and there are relatively few people, wild animals such as turkey, deer, and coyote can often be seen. For off-season hunting some ranches have exotic deer from Africa, and the day I took these pictures I came across a ranch that had camel.

Picture 0 unfortunately is too close for the camera but you can see the the limestone and juniper. Picture 1 is aimed East towards the confluence point somewhere on the far hill. Picture 2 is one of may clear streams in the area and along the way. Picture 3 is taken along the nearest public road SW of the confluence.

Since ranches are often remote and cover large areas its pretty difficult to find the owner. So yes I trespassed for several miles while on route towards the confluence point. Because of the rugged terrain I quit after about 90 minutes of cliffs, streams, cactus and brush. I realized it would be an all day expeditition that I was not prepared for. Since I live about 900 miles from this area I can't say when I'll try it again.

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#1: Failed proof of location...
#2: Confluence on the horizon
#3: Just another beautiful stream
#4: No caption needed
ALL: All pictures on one page