the Degree Confluence Project

Australia : New South Wales

3.7 km (2.3 miles) N of Cooks Myalls, NSW, Australia
Approx. altitude: 306 m (1003 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 33°N 32°W

Accuracy: 1 m (3 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Me, the rock mound and the GPS #3: Looking north - a flat plain #4: Looking south - a flat plain #5: The better part of the track #6: The southern route from Parkes is mostly bitumen

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  33°S 148°E (visit #1)  

#1: The mysterious mound of rocks

(visited by Mike Richter)

13-May-2001 -- Three Confluences in one day - well that was my aim for May 13 2001. It ended up as two new confluences and one distant attempt. As the song goes - "two out of three ain't bad".

The first visit before lunch involved a two and a half hour drive from home to S34 E150, but the road we headed down ran out a few kilometres distant from the Confluence. The last visit to S34 E149 ended up after sunset and maybe just as well, the road was 400 metres from the Confluence.

My second Confluence visit on May 13 to S34 E148 was successful, even though I was worried when I drove along the nearest road shown on the map to find that the nearest point to the Confluence was still 1 km away across farm land ! I didn't really have time to walk two km, so I decided to check an unmapped road which brought me within 700 metres, but still fenced off. On closer inspection I noticed that there was a gate leading on to untended land 100 metres wide, running between two farms. The gate was unlocked so I concluded that it was a stock route or an easement for a future road. It was rough going at the start, but after a few minutes of driving I could see the Confluence, 70 metres into a sheep paddock. As I walked towards the Confluence, it appeared that I was heading straight for a mound of rocks - did someone already know about this Confluence ? I reached the Confluence 5 metres short of the mound of rocks, so I had no reason to question that I was the first visitor to this Confluence. Typical of the western plains of New South Wales, this confluence was in the middle of a very flat plain used for sheep farming.

 All pictures
#1: The mysterious mound of rocks
#2: Me, the rock mound and the GPS
#3: Looking north - a flat plain
#4: Looking south - a flat plain
#5: The better part of the track
#6: The southern route from Parkes is mostly bitumen
ALL: All pictures on one page