the Degree Confluence Project


1.9 km (1.2 miles) N of Zemné, Nitriansky, Slovakia
Approx. altitude: 108 m (354 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 162°W

Accuracy: 11 m (36 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North #3: East #4: South #5: West #6: GPS 1 #7: GPS 2 #8: Visitors #9: Poor Access Road #10: Cemetery nearby

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  48°N 18°E (visit #7)  

#1: Overview

(visited by Karl Bryk and Michael Bryk)

28-Aug-2013 -- This is visit 1 in a series of 7 CP visits while on a short road trip with my son Michael from 28 to 30 August 2013.

As part of a summer week spent with my son Michael we decided to take a short road trip and visit some CPs in the neighbouring countries. The question was which ones. Since we had never visited a CP in Slovakia, Slovenia or Italy we decided to try for at least one CP in each country. Also since my only visit to a CP in Hungary had been unsuccessful - N47 E17) a visit to Hungary was also planned. Ideally Poland was to be included but this was deemed a CP too far. Another time!

It would be a long drive over 3 days, especially as we would be travelling on some low grade, slow roads. An advantage was that Michael would be able to share the driving since he now had his licence and he was eager to drive.

A number of possible CPs along a rough route were programmed into the car navigation device, some old fashioned (and old) maps were gathered and we set off to the East of Vienna heading for N48 E18. I have mentioned this before but car navigation devices have been a godsend for those CP hunting - no more scanning of maps and hours spent working out the best route to the nearest drivable location to a CP - its basically done by the navi.

So we followed the navi. I had programmed the navi to take the shortest route so we ended up on some small roads and some bordering on dirt tracks (see attached photo). It took quite a few hours to get to the CP but eventually we arrived at the edge of a field bordered by a fence. Following the fence led us directly to the CP - well almost - it was the other side of the fence a few metres away.

We took the usual photos, returned to the car, and were soon on the way to N47 E18.

 All pictures
#1: Overview
#2: North
#3: East
#4: South
#5: West
#6: GPS 1
#7: GPS 2
#8: Visitors
#9: Poor Access Road
#10: Cemetery nearby
ALL: All pictures on one page