the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Río Negro

16.2 km (10.1 miles) W of Colonia Chica (Pampa), Río Negro, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 312 m (1023 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 38°N 112°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to West #3: View to South #4: View to East #5: GPS  S 38° W 68° #6: Sticky clay mud #7: Oil workover rig #8: Ricardo on the white road

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  38°S 68°W (visit #2)  

#1: View to North

(visited by Ricardo J. Rey Leyes)


02-Aug-2008 --

Salí de Rincón de Los Sauces en la mañana, estuvo nevando por la madrugada por lo que la ciudad amaneció blanca. Al salir rumbo a Catriel para hacer la confluencia 38°S 68°W, el blanco camino no dejaba distinguir los bordes de la carretera, y la nevada se intensificó bastante.

Al salir de la zona montañosa del Auca Mahuida y entrar ya a la Provincia de Río Negro, la nevada se iba convirtiendo en agua nieve y finalmente en la zona de la confluencia una fina y persistente lluvia, que embarro los accesos haciéndolos muy resbaladizos, más al ser un terreno con alto contenido de arcilla, esta además se pagaba a las ruedas de la chata y había que usar la doble tracción nomás. Unos caminos y huellas petroleras me acercaron a menos de 200 metros de la confluencia y para caminar estos pasos, me embarre con la pegajosa arcilla de tal manera que los borceguíes pesaban unos 5 kilos más cada uno !!!

No obstante logre el fin de capturar la confluencia (que es muy fácil de llegar si el camino esta seco) y sacadas las fotos fui hacia Catriel, lugar en donde me iba a hospedar algunos días por motivos de trabajos en la zona.


02-Aug-2008 --

I set up from Rincón de Los Sauces in the morning. It was snowing at night reason why the city was all white early in the morning. I addressed toward Catriel to make the confluence 38°S 68°W, and the road was so white that I did not let distinguish the edges of the highway, and started to snow very hard.

When leaving the mountainous zone of Auca Mahuida and entering the Province of Negro River, the snow started to melt became water and finally in the zone of the confluence a fine and persistent rain, made all access very muddy and slippery. The land here are has a high clay content so mud is quite sticky to the wheels that required the use of double traction. Some trail and oil company path approached to me less than 200 meters of the confluence. Then, I started to hike a hard one boot were full of this sticky clay mud, making boot weighed about 5 kg each one.

Despite all this, I finally arrived to CP (that is very easy to arrive if the way were dry) and took the required pictures. Later I set up towards Catriel, where I was to stay some days for work reason.

 All pictures
#1: View to North
#2: View to West
#3: View to South
#4: View to East
#5: GPS S 38° W 68°
#6: Sticky clay mud
#7: Oil workover rig
#8: Ricardo on the white road
ALL: All pictures on one page