the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Respublika Buryatiya

15.5 km (9.6 miles) WNW of Turka, Respublika Buryatiya, Russia
Approx. altitude: 448 m (1469 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 53°S 72°W

Accuracy: 85 m (278 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South view from the CP #3: West view #4: GPS reading and the map #5: Vladimir and boatman Valery Pestov #6: Vladimir has a rest after conquest of the CP #7: Fishing was the basic purpose of that trip to lake Baikal

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  53°N 108°E (visit #1)  

#1: East view

(visited by Alexander Lobanov, Vladimir Nikolenko, Valery Pestov and Jury Chermoshentsev)


06-Июля-2007 – Основной целью поездки на озеро Байкал была рыбалка. Поскольку мы двигались большой компанией, на машинах, и основную группу наше хобби не интересовало, посещение CP выглядело следующим образом. Чтобы не нарушать график движения, приходилось просыпаться рано. Мы выезжали в ближайшую, по нашему мнению, от CP деревню на берегу озера и за хорошее вознаграждение нанимали моторную лодку вместе с лодочником. Эта точка находится в 15,3 км от берега (дер. Турка). Вся операция занимала два часа времени и к подъему наших товарищей мы возвращались в строй. Описывать водные CP мы не беремся, а описание рыбалки и отдыха на Байкале выходит за рамки данного проекта.

Следующая точка N54ºE109º.


06-Jul-2007 – The basic purpose of that journey to Baikal Lake was fishing. We moved as a part of the big company, all by cars, and the basic group was not interested in our hobby. So the visiting CP looked as following. To not break the all-group schedule it was necessary to wake up very early. We left our group towards the village Turka on the coast of the lake so we regarded it as the nearest to the confluence (15.3 km). Then for good compensation we rented a motor boat together with the boatman. All confluence trip took two hours and we came back to our camp in time when our comrades woke up. We do not undertake to describe water CP, while the description of fishing and rest on Baikal is beyond the given project.

The next confluence is N54ºE109º. The hunt goes on.

 All pictures
#1: East view
#2: South view from the CP
#3: West view
#4: GPS reading and the map
#5: Vladimir and boatman Valery Pestov
#6: Vladimir has a rest after conquest of the CP
#7: Fishing was the basic purpose of that trip to lake Baikal
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the Lake Baikal, about 15 km from shore.