the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : England

3.3 km (2.0 miles) E of York-Earswick, York, England, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 16 m (52 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 54°S 179°E

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: East #3: South #4: West #5: GPS #6: School #7: I wandered a bit...

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  54°N 1°W (visit #4)  

#1: North

(visited by Gordon Spence)

08-Jun-2008 -- The Quest for 58N-05W started earlier today at 53N-01W. From there I followed the route up the East side of England and decided to swing by and make only my second visit to this point. My only other visit here was back in November 2001.

Apart from "why not?" or the old favourite "because it's there" I have come here to do a recce for a planned visit in a month's time.

Now there are four ways into this point. The long way, the easier way, a very easy way and a simple way. I went in the easier way parking in front of the Village Hall. Making my way along a track and around the edges of the fields.

I went past where I needed to be and stood beside the school, which is built on exactly 1W. I wonder if they know?

So, back track to the point, where another very helpful farmer had his tractor drive along on exactly 54N. I documented the visit, once again getting a WAAS lock and noting the same crop here as at 53N-01W. On my way back found the very easy way! Hop over a fence and you are on the road a hundred yards from the car.

Time is a marching, so pack up my stuff and keep heading North, to 55N 02W.

 All pictures
#1: North
#2: East
#3: South
#4: West
#5: GPS
#6: School
#7: I wandered a bit...
ALL: All pictures on one page