the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Pskovskaya oblast'

1.0 km (0.6 miles) E of Yemilovo, Pskovskaya oblast', Russia
Approx. altitude: 106 m (347 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 57°S 152°W

Accuracy: 10 m (32 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the North #3: View to the East #4: View to the South #5: View to the West #6: GPS #7: Glade that divides forest on frozen and green #8: Beautiful winter forest #9: Kasia is really happy #10: Hunters on the way

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  57°N 28°E (visit #1)  

#1: Confluence point

(visited by Igor Vagin, Lubov' Kul'kova, Alexey Gaidamakin and Yaroslav Kuznetsov)

Рассказ по-русски

English narrative

04-Jan-2005 -- This is was our first experience in confluence hunting and first serious trip with a GPS navigator. We had been planning to participate in DCP project for 6-8 months till this moment. Just before New Year holidays I had bought a GPS (especially for DCP and Geocaching :). We have moved from Moscow to Pskov and prepared for adventures. At last...

In a few days after celebrating New Years we decided to visit (57/28). Members of our hunting group are: Alexey, as the great car driver of his unique car, Yaroslav as guide for this region, Lubov’ (aka Kasia) as photographer and chronicler, and I’m (aka Antares19) acting as inspirer and DCP activist. :)

At 12PM we get in to Alexey's funky car "Oka" (it's a very small and funny Russian car) that was crashed in an accident with big a truck "Kamaz" a few months ago. It may be sounds like an anecdotal story, but it's true. Nobody knows how, but the Oka survived after this accident, and in spite of everything Alexey sparks it on all cylinders.

The distance to the point was more than 150km. All preparations are over and our journey began...

  • 12:00 Start from the center of Pskov city.
  • 13:00 Just left the city. We're delayed because of some troubles with the car. Solving of these troubles took some time (no, nothing special, just forgot the spare wheel ;).
  • 14:00 Going on. Good sunny weather. Passed Ostrov city.
  • 15:00 Arrived in Emilovo.

Emilovo is a small village near the confluence point. We passed through it in the car. We left the car in the forest right after the village, 300m from the confluence point. The landscape consists of hills full of fir trees. The weather was excellent and the forest, covered with snow, is very beautiful. After a short trip through the forest, and passing around some hollows, we reached a beautiful glade on which the GPS showed numbers which were very close to 57.000 28.000. "Wow! The point must be on this beautiful glade!" - we thought... but that was wrong...

After some dancing with the GPS in the attempts of obtaining strict zeros on the screen I decided to check what coordinates would be shown in the other program (I'm using HPC Pocket LOOX + BT GPS) and... it shows me that we are standing 150m away from the confluence to the west!

After some meditation on this problem I recalled that I read before about different datums (sometimes careful reading of manuals is really useful! :). I made several checks and discovered that the datum of the GPS is WGS 84, but the map is in Pulkovo datum and OziExplorer is converting coordinates to the Pulkovo automatically! Notice to other DCP Hunters: check the datum twice! Especially if you are using software like Ozi.

The problem was solved. At last we reached the correct point. This place was not so gorgeous like the preceding glade: it's in the middle of the forest on the slope of hill. But we are really happy that we reached it!

  • 15:30 The confluence is taken. That was fun and easy. :)

After that we take a little walk in this forest. It is a really nice place.

A more detailed story in Russian you can find in Kasia's blog.
Some nice additional photos from the confluence are here.

ps: Thanks to the founders and maintainers of this great project.
pps: For one long year I was not able to find enough amount time to write this narrative! And here is it! But there are more "visited but not submitted" confluence points awaiting. I promise to be quicker in writing reports from now on. :)

Рассказ по-русски

04-Jan-2005 -- Это был наш первый опыт в DCP. Мы уже давно собирались поучаствовать в проекте… И вот, наконец, все сложилось так как было нужно. Перед поездкой на очередной новый год в родную Псковскую область специально приобретен GPS. Можно приступать. :)

Собрали веселую команду из четырех человек, загрузились в еле живую и не менее веселую Оку, незадолго до этого протараненную камазом. И поехали на первую нашу точку. Конечно, для первого путешествия выбрали простую точку.

Итак, хронометраж:

  • 12:00. Старт из центра города Пскова.
  • 13:00. Только выехали за пределы города. По дороге пришлось уладить некоторые проблемы с машиной, что вызвало небольшую задержку.
  • 14:00. В пути. Погода хорошая, солнечная, проехали Остров.
  • 15:00. Доехали до Емилово.

Спешились сразу за деревней в лесу. Судя по карте до точки не более трёхсот метров. Местность представляет собой покрытые ельником холмы, много снега, погода отличная. Все очень красиво.

По прибытию на замечательную поляну, на которую нас вывел GPS, долго пытались поймать точные координаты на экране КПК. И когда я решил попробовать посмотреть в другой программе, обнаружил что координаты, оказывается, не в том формате. OziExplorer оказал плохую услугу молча переводя их в формат карты, а карта оказалась в датуме пулково. Так что, заметка хантерам ходящим по КПК: всегда проверяйте тот ли у вас датум! Разница между Pulkovo и WGS как раз такая, что бы посещенную точку не засчитали.

После приведения датума в порядок, точка пересечения была найдена без проблем, она оказалась в лесу на склоне холма.

  • 15:30. Точка взята.

Чуть другая и более подробная история есть в этом блоге.
Немного хороших дополнительных фоток с точки можно посмотреть здесь.

Мы отлично провели время. Спасибо создателям и организаторам проекта! :)

ps: английская версия отчета более полная, т.к. в первую очередь писалась именно она.

 All pictures
#1: Confluence point
#2: View to the North
#3: View to the East
#4: View to the South
#5: View to the West
#6: GPS
#7: Glade that divides forest on frozen and green
#8: Beautiful winter forest
#9: Kasia is really happy
#10: Hunters on the way
ALL: All pictures on one page