the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Respublika Altay

8.9 km (5.5 miles) WNW of Yakonur, Respublika Altay, Russia
Approx. altitude: 1347 m (4419 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 51°S 95°W

Accuracy: 14 m (45 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View from CP to the North. #3: View from CP to the East. #4: GPS Shot. #5: Meeting with natives #6: At the CP #7: The tired hunter. #8: Interesting meeting #9: On the way to the CP.

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  51°N 85°E (visit #2)  

#1: View from CP to the West.

(visited by Alexander Lobanov, Jury Chermoshentsev, Alexander Chermoshentsev, Igor Navilnikov and Aleksey Fedoseev)

English narrative

Рассказ по-русски

23-Jun-2005 -- Эту точку мы сделали по пути к нашей основной цели путешествия, труднодоступной точке N50-E86.

К сожалению, мы не знали, что точку уже посетил 11-го июня наш товарищ и конкурент Максим Егоров, иначе мы не стали бы тратить на нее время. В отличие от наших предшественников мы вышли на эту точку с восточной стороны. Путь с этой стороны немного длиннее, нам пришлось пройти пешком километра полтора.

Кроме встречи с пьяными аборигенами, которые выпрашивали денег на продолжение пьянки, точка ничем не запомнилась.

English narrative

23-Jun-2005 -- We have done this CP on the way to the primary purpose of our trip, the remote CP N50-E86.

Unfortunately, we did not know that our comrade and competitor Maxim Egorov already visited the CP on the 11th of June. Otherwise we would not have spent the time on it. As opposed to our predecessors, we headed out toward this CP from the east side. The route from this side is little bit longer; we had to pass on foot about one and a half kilometers.

Except for a meeting with drunken natives, who kept asking for money so as to continue their drinking bout, the CP was not memorable.

The hunt goes on.

 All pictures
#1: View from CP to the West.
#2: View from CP to the North.
#3: View from CP to the East.
#4: GPS Shot.
#5: Meeting with natives
#6: At the CP
#7: The tired hunter.
#8: Interesting meeting
#9: On the way to the CP.
ALL: All pictures on one page