the Degree Confluence Project


8.2 km (5.1 miles) WNW of Liptovská Teplička, Prešovský, Slovakia
Approx. altitude: 1036 m (3398 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 49°S 160°W

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: gps #3: view to norh #4: view to east #5: view to south #6: view to west #8: return #9: after confluence visit #10: plate with coordinates

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  49°N 20°E (visit #2) (secondary) 

#1: overview

(visited by Adam Rugala and Jacek Rugala)


07-Aug-2005 -- The most difficult and arduaous confluence, we’ve ever conquered. It took 5 hours, and the distance was only 2km.

We parked our car on a verge, 3km from the confluence. after 1km walking along asphalt road, we have entered the forest. further trip was very arduaous struggling up and down, up and down. slopes were very steep, a lot of stumps. on the way, we have collected many mushrooms, have found rare species of mushrooms, have seen gnawed bones of a big animal (not very optimistic view), several times we were walking along the stream, once we have crossed a small river by the trunk and an asphalt road (to our surprise).

At the confluence a board, somebody had to mixed up the coordinates and had scratched, becouse at the beginning it was 48N. by the way, we have found a cache. Return throught the forest, next a long piece of way by asphalt, later longer piece by road for forest rangers, then through the forest and nettles, afterwards walking down in a stream, we have gone out to the asphalt, where was only 1km to the car. Uff, terribly arduaous climbing-struggling, but the prize - very good.


07-Aug-2005 -- Najtrudniejsze i najbardziej mozolne przeciecie, jakie kiedykolwiek zdobylismy. Zajelo nam to 5 godzin, a odleglosc wynosila tylko 2km.

Zaparkowalismy auto na poboczu, 3km od przeciecia. po przejsciu 1km droga asfaltowa dla rowerow, weszlismy w las. dalsza podroz to bardzo mozolne przedzieranie sie w gore i na dol. Stoki bardzo strome, wiele powalonych pniow. Po drodze nazbieralismy bardzo duzo grzybow, znalezlismy rzadkie gatunki grzybow, przeszlismy obok poobgryzanych kosci jakiegos duzego zwierzecia (niezbyt optymistyczny widok), kilkakrotnie szlismy w wodzie wzdloz strumienia, raz przekroczylismy rzeczke przez przewalony pien oraz raz przeszlismy przez (ku naszemu zdziwieniu) droge asfaltowa.

Na przecieciu tabliczka, ktos chyba sobie pomylil wspolrzedne i zdrapywal, bo na poczatku bylo 48N. Przy okazji znalezlismy takze cache'a. Powrot przez las, potem dlugi kawalek asfaltem, nastepnie jeszcze dluzszy droga dla lesniczych, dalej przez pokrzywy i las, potem idac w strumieniu wyszlismy na droge, gdzie zostal nam 1km do auta. Uff, strasznie meczace wspinaczko-przedzieranie, ale uwienczenie przeswietne.

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#1: overview
#2: gps
#3: view to norh
#4: view to east
#5: view to south
#6: view to west
#8: return
#9: after confluence visit
#10: plate with coordinates
ALL: All pictures on one page