the Degree Confluence Project


3.0 km (1.9 miles) SE of Ivoševci, Zadarska, Croatia
Approx. altitude: 238 m (780 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 44°S 164°W

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: huge spider #3: gps #6: view to north #7: view to east #8: view to south #9: view to west

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  44°N 16°E (visit #2)  

#1: overview, confuence is there, where the sharp rock is

(visited by Adam Rugala and Jacek Rugala)


26-Jul-2005 -- trip to confluence we started by park our car on a verge, 500 meters to purpose. mercilles heat. we worried a bit about the terrain - there could be mines or other ‘remains’ after war. we have started to walk along low walls, built by stones and rocks. later we have discovered, that they were pens for sheeps.

300m from the confluence, the path began making narrow and we've started to struggle through the bushes. Walking, i was looking under my legs and suddenly when i've straighten up my head, i saw 10cm in front of me the largest spider, i have ever seen in my life. he was in the middle of his web. i got scared, pulled back, stumbled and fell. i got up, took a stick and have started to break similar traps - were 3.

we left this path for wider one, affirming, that we could go there from the start. after a dozen or so-minute struggling through prickly bushes, higher walls with bugs' company we have reached this place. It was on dry grass, in the middle of a pen for sheeps. After tooking photos, we went back to this wide path, and later to asphalt. a bit bite, sweaty, scratched etc we reached our car.


26-Jul-2005 -- podroz na przeciecie zaczelismy od zaparkowania naszego auta 500m od celu. okropny upal. balismy sie troche o teren - mogly znajdowac sie tam miny czy tez inne ‘pozostalosci’ po wojnie’. zaczelismy chodzic wzdloz niewysokich murkow budowanych z kamienia. jak potem odkrylismy byly to zagrody dla owiec.

300m od celu sciezka zaczela sie zwezac i zaczelismy sie przedzierac przez krzaki. Idac, patrzylem sie pod nogi a gdy nagle wyprostowalem glowe, zobaczylem 10 cm przed soba najwiekszego pajaka, jakiego widzialem w zyciu, ktory siedzial w srodeczku swej sieci. przestraszylem sie, cofnalem, potykajac o kamien i przewrocilem sie. lekko poobijany wstalem, wzialem patyk i zaczalem nim zrywac kolejne takie pulapki - a bylo ich 3.

wyszlismy na szersza droge, stwierdzajac, ze moglismy isc tedy od samego poczatku. po kilkunastominutowym przedzieraniu sie przez kolczaste krzaki, wyzsze juz murki z kamienia, z towarzyszeniem wszechpanujacego, nieprzyjemnego robactwa dotarlismy na przeciecie. Usytuowane na wysuszonej trawie, wsrod kamiennych zagrod dla owiec. Po zrobieniu zdjec, cofnelismy sie do drogi, a potem nia doszlismy do asfaltu. lekko pogryzieni, spoceni, podrapani itp dotarlismy do auta.

 All pictures
#1: overview, confuence is there, where the sharp rock is
#2: huge spider
#3: gps
#6: view to north
#7: view to east
#8: view to south
#9: view to west
ALL: All pictures on one page