the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Rio de Janeiro

3.6 km (2.2 miles) SE of Ponta de Itacoatiara (Cape), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 0 m (0 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 23°N 137°E

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: West View  - towards Rio de Janeiro..you see 3 hills (from left to right): a small island, Rio de Janeiro skyline, the mainland coast close to Itaipu bay #3: East View - the small Marica island #4: Looking northeast from the confluence the Brazilian mainland also appears really close #5: GPS #6: The visitors of the confluence in the small boat :  Carol, Yllke Cristiano ...on the big boat : Karsten (with GPS) and Barbudo #7: The coast typically looks like this...about 2 kiloemters from the confluence #8: Itaipu and Itaipu beach 5 kilometers from the confluence where we entered the boat #9: beach of Itaipu

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  23°S 43°W (visit #2)  

#1: North view - you see the Brazilian mainland about 2 kilometers from the confluence with elephant rock, the highest hill

(visited by Karsten Reuss, AC GC, Aurivaldo José Almeida and Yllke Cristiano Branco Almeida)


11-Mar-2004 -- In order to successfully visit this confluence, that lies in the ocean, we went to Itaipu harbor twice, it is the closest harbor from the confluence at a distance of 5km.

First attempt: The first time we visited Itaipu to visit the confluence, we had extremely bad luck with the weather (it was raining with heavy wind, there was no way we could manage to take nice pictures or get a boat up to the confluence due to high waves in the ocean). We visited other villages next to the confluence figuring out Itaipu had the only harbor of such a size that we would have a chance to find a boat to take us and decided to return on another day with nicer weather conditions.

Attempt number 2: The day was wonderful as we had beautiful sunny afternoon with about 30°C; nevertheless, we spent the full day to get to Itaipu beach from Rio de Janeiro and a few hours to set up with the fishermen to take us there. Everybody we asked said that it wouldn´t be possible to take us to the confluence as it was far from the coast and they only had small boats. They all suggested us to talk to the “President of the Fisher´s Colony”, whose nickname is “Barbudo”, because he would be the only one who could probably take us to the confluence (He was the only fisherman that had a big boat). (By the way, his name is Aurivaldo, but nobody calls him like that, he is only known as Barbudo).

* The President of the Fisher´s colony is the responsible for the people who work in fishing, he represents the fishermen in problems, rights, etc (and just to remember, we were in a region where the main activity is fishing)*.

Trying to find him everywhere on the village, we finally managed to spot Barbudo. We asked him whether he could take us to the confluence or not and he replied it would be possible any time we wanted but only during the morning. So, we asked him to take us next morning. We hung around in the village of Itaipu up to the evening and stayed in a hotel overnight. Next morning we went back to the beach in order to search for him just as we had scheduled the afternoon before and we finally managed to reach the confluence.

The successful visit: We went to the confluence on his boat being guided by his son (it was 5 kms away from the beach of Itaipu) and it took 1 hour to reach the exact location. The confluence lies on the ocean in an area that is 30 m deep (the President and his son informed us that because they had a machine for fishing that shows how deep the sea is and how much fish is found on the area).

Besides a confluence hunt, we had a wonderful view and a nice time. We could see the coast, islands, birds and it was a great visit.
The pictures are nice, but could have been better if we had managed to visit the confluence the day before as it was sunny. This day was cloudy (but luckily not rainy by the time we were on the confluence). When we got back to the beach of Itaipu, it started to drizzle.

Although we had real bad luck in relation to the weather, the sea was unusually calm: Barbudo told us that to see the ocean so calm like that was pure luck and it is really seldom to happen. It explains why it only took us 1 hour by boat to get to the confluence and why our pictures didnt turn out fuzzy because of a shaking boat; if the water was not so calm and friendly it would not have been so easy.

The pictures we took in the boat from the confluence view:
North – The Brazilan mainland is shown the biggest hill is called Elephant rock(ecause it reminds an elephant lying )
East – Marica Island, a small little known island a few kilometers from the coast of Brazil
West - The direction of Rio de Janeiro (Itaipu), you see 2 small islands and a part of the coast of Brazil
South: The endless atlantic ocean
Northeast - brazilian mainland coast


Para conseguir sucesso nesta confluência que se localiza no mar tivemos que fazer duas tentativas na praia de Itaipu. É o maior porto que fica mais perto da confluência, à 5 km.

Primeira delas: Na primeira tentativa tivemos má sorte com o tempo (estava chovendo muito forte e não haveria como tirar boas fotos ou pegar um barco visto que esta confluência é no mar e as ondas, por sua vez, estavam muito altas). Ficamos desapontados com isso e decidimos retornar outro dia quando as situações alheias à nossa vontade nos fossem propícias.

Tentativa 2: O dia estava muito bonito, pois mesmo à tarde o sol ainda estava forte, em torno de 30ºC. Entretanto, saindo de manhã do Rio de Janeiro em direção à Itaipu (Niterói), lá chegamos muito tarde, e , não obstante, tarde demais para convencer algum pescador a nos levar até o ponto, que, conforme já dito anteriormente, se encontrava no mar. Para não ficar com o dia perdido, saímos perguntando a alguns pescadores se no dia seguinte era possível nos levar até o ponto. Os primeiros a quem fizemos essa pergunta nos negaram a hipótese pelo fato de eles terem somente barcos pequenos. Conforme íamos perguntando, um deles nos indicou o Barbudo, que é o Presidente da Colônia de Pescadores de Itaipu. Ele era o único que possuía uma embarcação grande, mais segura para nos levar até a confluência. ( A propósito, o nome dele é Aurivaldo, mas ninguém o conhece assim, chamam-no apenas de Barbudo).

Tentando achá-lo na vila, finalmente conseguimos. Perguntamos a ele se era possível nos levar até a confluência e ele disse que sim, mas no dia seguinte a qualquer hora desde que fosse de manhã. Passeamos por Itaipu e dormimos num hotel para na manhã seguinte irmos para a praia e finalmente conseguir chegar na confluência.

A visita que teve êxito: Fomos à confluência no barco do Barbudo e quem estava dirigindo era o filho dele (a confluência distava 5 km da praia) e nos levou 1 hora a bordo para chegar lá. A confluência fica no oceano numa área que tem 30 m de profundidade (Barbudo nos informou isso já que ele tem um GPS e outro aparelho de pescaria que informa quantos metros têm abaixo do barco bem como a quantidade de peixe que pode ser encontrada).

Além da caça à confluência, tivemos uma ótima vista do local e ficamos entretidos com as ilhas, pássaros .. foi uma ótima visita.

As fotos estão boas, mas poderiam ter ficado melhores se o tempo tivesse nos ajudado um pouco mais. No dia anterior estava um sol de rachar mas no dia da nossa visita o tempo ficou meio nublado (por sorte não choveu enquanto tirávamos as fotos da confluência). Quando retornamos à praia, começou a chuviscar...

Apesar de termos tido má sorte com o tempo, tivemos muita sorte com o mar, de forma que nos ajudou e muito: Barbudo nos disse que nesse dia as águas estavam estranhamente calmas, e que isso é definitivamente raro de acontecer. Foi por isso que para chegar na confluência nos levou apenas 1 hora de barco e também por essa razão as fotos não saíram tremidas, pois tornar-se-ia difícil tirar boas fotos em um barco com a maré agitada.

Vocês podem ver as fotos da confluência :
Norte – aparece nesta foto a Pedra do Elefante ( se chama assim pelo fato de lembrar um elefante deitado)
Leste - nesta direção está a Ilha de Marica, uma pequena Ilha pouco conhecida que fica a alguns quilômetros da costa
Oeste – na direção do Rio de Janeiro (Itaipu)
Sul – registra as águas oceânicas do atlântico
Nordeste - ainda aparece nesta foto solo litorâneo continental

 All pictures
#1: North view - you see the Brazilian mainland about 2 kilometers from the confluence with elephant rock, the highest hill
#2: West View - towards Rio de Janeiro..you see 3 hills (from left to right): a small island, Rio de Janeiro skyline, the mainland coast close to Itaipu bay
#3: East View - the small Marica island
#4: Looking northeast from the confluence the Brazilian mainland also appears really close
#5: GPS
#6: The visitors of the confluence in the small boat : Carol, Yllke Cristiano ...on the big boat : Karsten (with GPS) and Barbudo
#7: The coast typically looks like this...about 2 kiloemters from the confluence
#8: Itaipu and Itaipu beach 5 kilometers from the confluence where we entered the boat
#9: beach of Itaipu
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the water, 3 km from shore.