the Degree Confluence Project

Canada : Nova Scotia

2.6 km (1.6 miles) S of Liscomb, NS, Canada
Approx. altitude: 0 m (0 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo topo250 ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 45°S 118°E

Accuracy: 500 m (546 yd)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking East towards the sea #3: Looking back south at the survey cut #4: Looking west up the bay #5: The woods road in #6: My old car and kayak at the end of the road

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  45°N 62°W (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: Looking North at 45N 62W

(visited by Dave Heffler)

15-Sep-2001 -- This is my last confluence (of four) on the "Northern Hemisphere middle latitude" that goes through my province of Nova Scotia, Canada. I decided that I would make my attempt today. The map showed that the confluence is just off shore in Liscomb Bay on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. This is about 2 hours drive from the Halifax area where I live. I knew the general area because my parents-in-law had owned a property about 15km away and I helped them build a cabin there 10 years ago.

This area of Nova Scotia is know as "The Eastern Shore". Rte 7 follows the coast from Halifax. There are no large towns. There is no limited access highway so Rte 7 goes through all the little towns and it is a slower trip than driving in the other directions from Halifax. The land is covered by spruce forest with very few hardwoods or towering white pines that grace other parts of our province. Forestry is a vital part of the local economy. The hillsides show many scars from our relentless quest for newsprint.

The land is almost completely unsuitable for farming. Instead, the people have turned to the sea for many years. The coast line is deeply indented with many small bays (some of which are like tiny fiords) and offshore islands. Inshore fishing for cod, mackerel, haddock and lobster had been a mainstay of the economy The down turn in the inshore fishery has prompted some to farm mussels and salmon. Aquiculture is now more important than agriculture.

The eastern shore has been less attractive to tourists or the up scale retirement housing that is common on our south shore or the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. It is not as attractive by road. However, I have explored this coast by cruising sail boat and kayak over many years. I have dropped anchor in a couple of dozen of the hundred or so little inlets or sheltered water behind the islands. I have found white sand beaches and rocky headlands. I have feasted on clams dug up with an oar, or scallops picked with just a mask and snorkel. This is the best cruising ground in Nova Scotia.

Our summers in Nova Scotia are seldom uncomfortably hot but by Labour Day, the air usually becomes a little cooler and drier and this is the best season for exploring the outdoors. Sunday was no exception. The sky was a bright blue with just a few wisps of white clouds. The sea, in the many bays and inlets, was a sparking blue reflecting the bright morning sun. These beautiful blues served as an antidote to the blue feeling we all had after the events of last Tuesday. The hillsides were a dark green of the spruce and fir with a few hits of red from scattered maples (mainly in swampy areas) offering a hint of what will come in about a month.

I loaded my kayak on the roof of my old car and set out early. I hoped to get to shore before the daily sea breeze picked up. I stopped once or twice to take a photo. The map showed a "woods road" that followed the south side of the bay where 45N62W lay. I was not sure how close my big old car could take me and if I could get the kayak to the shore. There was one site where I could launch about 5 km but that was too far for me to paddle alone. I kept driving as the road became smaller and rougher. (I really need a different car for this kind of exploring.) A few times, I stopped and walked ahead to reconnoiter. My main problem was whether it is was easier to keep going or to back out.

Finally, about 1km from the confluence, the road headed south when I wanted to keep going east. I left the car and the kayak and walked a smaller road which went east but was still out of sight of water. When the GPS read almost exactly 62W, there was a new survey cut going down to shore. I followed the cut about 100m to the shore. At the mid tide line, there was a stake with orange flagging tape very close to 62W but about 500m south of 45N. I took pictures in four directions and then waked the few meters to 62 00.000 W. This is the best I can do without a boat. Maybe next year I will come back with a friend and we will paddle from the put in 5km to the west.


 All pictures
#1: Looking North at 45N 62W
#2: Looking East towards the sea
#3: Looking back south at the survey cut
#4: Looking west up the bay
#5: The woods road in
#6: My old car and kayak at the end of the road
ALL: All pictures on one page
In Liscomb Harbour bay, about 530 m from land.