the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Respublika Tyva

8.5 km (5.3 miles) SSW of Uyuk, Respublika Tyva, Russia
Approx. altitude: 864 m (2834 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 52°S 86°W

Accuracy: 3 m (9 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: To the north #3: To the east #4: To the south #5: To the west #6: GPS reading #7: Flower #8: Confluence panorama

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  52°N 94°E (visit #3)  

#1: Genaral view

(visited by Y Gashchenko)


25-Июл-2017 -- Посещение точки 52°N 94°E было запланировано при поездке в Кызыл. Доехав до села Уюк, сворачиваем на сельскую дорогу. К точке ехали по дорогам, которые были в памяти навигатора, получился большой круг в 26 км. Обратно ехали просто по дорогам, которые вели в подходящем направлении, получилось всего 12 км. Доехать непосредственно до пересечения не удалось, дорогу преградила стена из высокого кустарника, растущего по берегу небольшого ручья. До confluence оставалось всего 360 метров. Небольшая пешая прогулка в хороший солнечный день (+26°C) по цветочному полю и в 15:50 точка была зафиксирована.


25-Jul-2017 -- A visit to 52°N 94°E was planned as a part of our traveling to Kyzyl. Having arrived at Uyuk village, we turned onto a rural road. We drove to the confluence point along the roads that were stored in the memory of the navigator, so we made a big circle of 26 km. On the way back we kept the suitable roads that led in the right direction, it turned out only 12 km to drive. It was not possible to drive directly to the confluence point, our road was blocked by a wall of tall bushes growing along the bank of a small stream. Only 360 meters remained to confluence. We had a short walk on that nice sunny day (+26°C) through the flower field and at 15:50 the minimal distance to the CP was recorded.

 All pictures
#1: Genaral view
#2: To the north
#3: To the east
#4: To the south
#5: To the west
#6: GPS reading
#7: Flower
#8: Confluence panorama
ALL: All pictures on one page