the Degree Confluence Project

France : Grand Est

3.1 km (1.9 miles) NE of Regnévelle, Vosges, Grand Est, France
Approx. altitude: 337 m (1105 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 174°W

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the East #3: View to the South #4: View to the West #5: Nat and Jean-Luc on the point, and coordinates #6: The road between Regneville and the point #7: The pathway towards the point #8: The panel with the strange name #9: Curious sheep #10: Colza fields

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  48°N 6°E (visit #7)  

#1: The point and view to the North

(visited by Jean-Luc Frérotte and Natalie Vanderstraeten)


08-mai-2017 -- Un long week-end de vacances dans la région de Langres (une très belle ville ! A ne pas manquer !) et nous en profitons pour visiter le point 48N 6E. Très facile, une petite route de campagne permet d’arriver en voiture à 200 m du point. L’accès d’un chemin forestier est barré, et il reste deux minutes à pieds pour atteindre le point. Un panneau indique le nom du chemin : Tranchée la goutte la noire. Un nom bizarre et pas très engageant, mais on n’a rencontré ni vampire, ni zombie, l’endroit est très calme et bucolique.

Le point est dans une forêt de hêtres, de chênes, de charmes, avec des fougères. Et dans quelques semaines, il y aura des fraises des bois pour les visiteurs !

Dans la région, plein de champs de colza, et juste à la sortie du bois vers Regnévelle, un élevage de moutons curieux.


08-May-2017 -- A long holiday weekend in the area of Langres (a very nice city! Don’t miss it!). And on our way we went to visit the point 48N 6E. Very easy, a narrow but good road makes it possible to come by car very close to the point. A forest pathway is closed by a fence, but a 2 minutes walk is enough to reach the point. A panel indicates the name of the pathway: Trench the drop, the black one. Strange name, somehow scary, but we met neither vampire, nor zombie, the place is very calm and bucolic.

The point is in a forest of beeches, oaks, hornbeams, with ferns. And in a few weeks, there will be wild strawberries for the visitors!

Many rapeseed fields in the area, and right at the exit of the forest towards Regnévelle, a field with many curious sheep.

 All pictures
#1: The point and view to the North
#2: View to the East
#3: View to the South
#4: View to the West
#5: Nat and Jean-Luc on the point, and coordinates
#6: The road between Regneville and the point
#7: The pathway towards the point
#8: The panel with the strange name
#9: Curious sheep
#10: Colza fields
ALL: All pictures on one page