the Degree Confluence Project

France : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

1.9 km (1.2 miles) N of Corgengoux, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Approx. altitude: 200 m (656 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 47°S 175°W

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the North #3: View to the South #4: View to the West #5: Coordinates on our GPS #6: Nat and Jean-Luc on the point #7: Nat, happy to reach the point, happy to leave the point #8: Drainage around the field #9: Small road north of Corberon

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  47°N 5°E (visit #4)  

#1: The point and view to the East

(visited by Jean-Luc Frérotte and Natalie Vanderstraeten)


31-déc-2009 -- En route vers le sud de la France, nous en profitons pour visiter deux confluences le long de l'autoroute A6.

La première, 47N 5E, est près de Beaune, facile à trouver, juste à l'est du village de Corberon. La dernière visite date de 2007, le point était sous la neige. Il a beaucoup plu ces derniers jours et le champ est encore très boueux, on s'enfonce avec les bottes dans la boue. C'est maintenant du maïs qui pousse. Pour éviter les dégâts, nous marchons dans les traces du tracteur, et on atteint le point sans problème. On a de la chance, il y a juste une demie heure, il y avait un brouillard épais et on ne voyait rien du tout !

Après avoir pris les photos, nous continuons notre voyage vers le point 45N 5E.


31-Dec-2009 -- On our way to the South of France, we visit 2 confluence points along the highway A6.

The first point, 47N 5E, is near Beaune, easy to find, just East of the village Corberon. The last visit was in 2007 and the fields were covered by snow. It rained a lot the last days, the field is still very wet, and our boots are stuck in the mud. It is now a corn field. To avoid any damage, we walk in the tracks of the tractor, and we reach the point easily. We are lucky: just half an hour ago, on the way to the point, the weather was so foggy that we could see nothing around!

After taking the pictures, we continue our trip to the point 45N 5E.

 All pictures
#1: The point and view to the East
#2: View to the North
#3: View to the South
#4: View to the West
#5: Coordinates on our GPS
#6: Nat and Jean-Luc on the point
#7: Nat, happy to reach the point, happy to leave the point
#8: Drainage around the field
#9: Small road north of Corberon
ALL: All pictures on one page