the Degree Confluence Project


1.6 km (1.0 miles) ENE of Velp, Gelderland, Netherlands
Approx. altitude: 9 m (29 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 52°S 174°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View from the point to the East #3: View friom the point to the South #4: View from the point to the West #5: Coordinates on the GPS #6: Standing on the point #7: Other landscape from the point (to South-West) #8: Cows in the cowshed #9: The sign at the entrance of the farm

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  52°N 6°E (visit #5)  

#1: The point in the grass and view to the North, with the farm

(visited by Jean-Luc Frérotte)


02-Jul-2009 -- un peu de temps libre ce soir, je quitte Nijmegen pour aller visiter le point 52N-6E. Avec une image de Google Earth, c'est un point très facile à trouver, proche de l'autoroute A348. La dernière visite date de mai 2006.

Je suis allé directement en voiture jusqu'à la ferme qui est sur la photo satellite. Je n'ai trouvé personne à la maison, alors j'ai continué. Derrière la maison, une petite route traverse le chemin de fer. La barrière était ouverte et je suis passé en regardant bien si aucun train n'arrivait.

A l'étable, j'ai trouvé le propriétaire, mais il ne parlait ni anglais ni allemand. Il m'a fait signe de la suivre et nous somme allés voir son fils qui était occupé à traire les vaches. Je lui ai expliqué ce que je cherchais, et il connaissait bien l'histoire des points de confluence. Très aimablement, il m'a permis d'aller dans le champ. Je suis allé jusqu'au point, et j'ai pris les photos. Apparemment le paysage n'a pas changé depuis la dernière visite.


02-Jul-2009 -- Some free time in the evening, I leave Nijmegen to visit the point 52N-6E. With a picture from Google Earth, the point is very easy to find, close to the highway A348. The last visit was in May 2006.

I have gone directly by car to the farm which is on the satellite picture. I have found nobody there, so I have continued behind the house; there, a small road crosses the railway. The fence was open, so I crossed, looking carefully if no train was coming.

Next to the cowshed, I found the owner, but he didn't speak English nor German. He asked me to follow him and we went to his son who was busy milking the cows. I explained what I was looking for, and he was well aware about the story of the confluence points. He was very kind and he allowed me to go in his field. So I could go behind the cowshed in the meadow and reach the point easily. I took some pictures. Apparently nothing has changed in the landscape since the last visit.

 All pictures
#1: The point in the grass and view to the North, with the farm
#2: View from the point to the East
#3: View friom the point to the South
#4: View from the point to the West
#5: Coordinates on the GPS
#6: Standing on the point
#7: Other landscape from the point (to South-West)
#8: Cows in the cowshed
#9: The sign at the entrance of the farm
ALL: All pictures on one page