the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Santa Fe

8.7 km (5.4 miles) WSW of Coronda, Santa Fe, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 32 m (104 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 32°N 119°E

Accuracy: 1 m (3 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Otra vista, another view. #3: Caminata a través de los terrenos agrícolas. Long walk through agricultural lands. #4: Faltan unos pocos metros, A few meter more #5: Gps #6: Asustado, Scared #7: Santa Fe

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  32°S 61°W (visit #2)  

#1: El Lugar, the place.

(visited by Christian Alvarado and Christian Alvarado Gilis)


05-Oct-2005 -- Por asuntos de estudio tuve que ir a Santa Fe (desde Valdivia – Chile) y durante un tiempo libre decide visitar esta confluencia.

Salí rumbo a Arocena, pueblo que está a 8 km aproximadamente de la confluencia. Desde ahí caminé en línea recta atravesando terrenos agrícolas y una autopista. Luego me topé con un río que me obligó a volver a la autopista para poder cruzarlo, menos mal que el puente estaba cerca.

Al acercarme al lugar me di cuenta que iba hacia una casa pero no se veía ninguna persona. Finalmente, luego de una hora y media de caminata, llegué a la parte posterior de una casa donde había gallinas, chanchos y otros animales.

Estaba tomando las correspondientes fotos (GPS y del entorno) cuanto escucho el disparo de una escopeta, pensé que alguien andaba cazando, pero rápidamente me di cuenta que era yo el que iba a ser cazado, ya que una señora con tono amenazante, me grita que me fuera o me disparaba. Traté de hablar con ella pero no entendía razones y volvió a disparar.

Opté por recoger calmadamente mis cosas y alejarme del lugar. Cuando pensé que estaba a una distancia segura decidí tomarme una foto “alejándome del lugar” y justo en ese momento siento un nuevo disparo, por eso en la foto aparezco con cara de asustado.

Linda aventura que terminó bien, pero creo que a ese lugar no iría de nuevo.


05-Oct-2005 -- Due to education matters I had to go to Santa Fe (from Valdivia – Chile, I’m Chilean) and during a break I decided to visit this confluence.

I went to Arocena, at 8 km approximately of the confluence. I walked in a straight line, crossing agricultural lands and one freeway. Soon I ran into with a river that forced me to return to the freeway to be able to cross it, thank heavens that the bridge was close.

When approaching me the place I realized that I was towards a house but nobody was there. Finally, after one hour and thirty minutes of walking, I was behind a house where hens, pigs and other animals where found.

It was photographing the place (GPS and of the surroundings) when I heard to the firing of a shootgun, I thought that somebody was hunting, but quickly realized that it was me who was being hunted!!!! It was a woman, with threatening tone, shouting to me to go away!!!. I tried to speak with her but she hear no reasons and fired again.

I decided to gather my things and to walk away from the place. When I thought that it was to a safe distance I decided to take a photo "moved me from the place" and just then there was another shoot … for that reason, in the photo, I appear with a scared face.

Nice adventure that finished well, but I believe I will not go back go back to that place.

 All pictures
#1: El Lugar, the place.
#2: Otra vista, another view.
#3: Caminata a través de los terrenos agrícolas. Long walk through agricultural lands.
#4: Faltan unos pocos metros, A few meter more
#5: Gps
#6: Asustado, Scared
#7: Santa Fe
ALL: All pictures on one page