the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Paraná

7.6 km (4.7 miles) WSW of Barra Grande, Paraná, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 503 m (1650 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 26°N 127°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Another view #3: Another view #4: Looking at the ground #5: More ground

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  26°S 53°W  

#1: At the confluence

(visited by Auri Anderson Konrad and Everaldo Seger)

English translation follows.

08-Fev-2001 -- Eu, Auri Anderson Konrad, Engenheiro Agrícola, 30 anos, residente e domiciliado na cidade de Palma Sola Estado de Santa Catarina no BRAZIL, juntamente com Everaldo Seger, fotógrafo profissional, proprietário da empresa Foto Visual Ltda , também da cidade de Palma Sola-SC BRazil, escolhemos este ponto e fomos influenciados a fazer esta aventura através da reportagem que saiu no GLOBO Informática, reportagem que foi disponibilizada numa lista de discussão sobre GPS pela INTERNET.

Escolhemos a coordenada e através do receptor GPS MOdelo 3 Plus da GARMIN fizemos um GOTO até o ponto solicitado. Uma coisa interessante aconteceu porque este ponto estava próximo a uma margem do rio Marrecas e por uma margem chegamos proximo a este ponto 120 metros dele e numa primeira tentativa não conseguimos demarcá-lo. Tivemos que retornar pela margem do rio até encontrarmos uma ponte, voltamos e pela outra margem encontramos então o referido ponto.

Valeu muito a pena!
Encontramos a primeira confluência do BRAZIL.
Um grande e forte abraços a todos.

English translation of original Portuguese, thanks to Ricardo Braga:

08-Feb-2001 -- I, Auri Anderson Konrad, Agricultural Engineer, thirty years old, living in the city of Palma Sola, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, together with Everaldo Seger, professional photographer, owner of the Foto Visual Ltda. Company, also from the city of Palma Sola, Santa Catarina, Brazil, have chosen this point (confluence) and have been influenced to go on with this adventure by a TV show presented in GLOBO informática (GLOBO is a major TV channel in Brazil). We heard about this show in a GPS discussion list.

We have chosen the coordinates, and using a GPS unit GARMIN model 3 plus, we made a "GOTO" to reach the point. An interesting fact happened because this point was close to the one bank of the Marrecas river and we got there by the other bank and couldn't get closer (to the confluence) than 120 meters in this first attempt. So we had to come back up the river until we found a bridge. Then, we went down again by the other bank and finally found the confluence.

It was really worth it!
We found the first confluence in BRAZIL.
A big and strong hug to everybody.

 All pictures
#1: At the confluence
#2: Another view
#3: Another view
#4: Looking at the ground
#5: More ground
#6: GPS
ALL: All pictures on one page