the Degree Confluence Project

Australia : Queensland

14.0 km (8.7 miles) E of Morella, QLD, Australia
Approx. altitude: 217 m (711 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 23°N 36°W

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South #3: East #4: West #5: Peter Adam Stan #6: GPS #7: Guide

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  23°S 144°E  

#1: North

(visited by Adam Sekula, Stanislaw Sekula and Piotr Kolaczkowski)

English version


25-wrz-2006 -- Punkt znalezlismy jadac z Winton do Longreach.Na mapie widac bylo ze jest on dosc blisko drogi. Byl to teren prywatny wiec poszlismy zapytac o zgode na wejscie tam.

Wlasciciel dzialki przyniosl dokladna mape i okazalo sie, ze 144E i 23S znajduje sie nie na jego, a na farmie sasiada. Zadzwonil wiec do niego i przedstawil sytuacje.

Po uzyskaniu zgody na wjazd jeden z farmerow Peter Spuders wsiadl na motor i zaprowadzil nas przez kolejne bramy na wlasciwe pastwisko.Potem kierowalem sie juz tylko wskazaniem GPS-u.

Kiedy wysiedlismy z samochodu do celu bylo juz kilka krokow. Porobilismy zdjecia i troche juz zmeczeni upalem, ale zadowoleni z sukcesu ruszylismy w strone Longreach.

English version

25-Sep-2006 -- We found this point travelling from Winton to Longreach. On the map the spot looked close to the road. However it was on private property so we went to ask permission from the owner to get access to the property.

The owner brought with him a detailed map and it turned out that 144E and 23S was on his neighbours property not his. So he rang the neighbour and informed him of the situation.

After obtaining permission to access the location one of the farmers Peter Spuders got on his bike and took us past a number of fences to the correct section, from here he left us alone and I used my GPS to find the exact confluence.

Once we got out of the car we only had to make a few steps to the exact point. We took all the photos and somewhat already tired from the heat, but very happy with the success, we continued our journey to Longreach.

 All pictures
#1: North
#2: South
#3: East
#4: West
#5: Peter Adam Stan
#6: GPS
#7: Guide
ALL: All pictures on one page