the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Wisconsin

0.8 miles (1.3 km) SW of Lake Ripley, Jefferson, WI, USA
Approx. altitude: 258 m (846 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 43°S 91°E

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: The view NE from near the confluence. #3: Looking East from near the confluence. #4: The view to the West from near the confluence. #5: Looking for the confluence on the garage roof and the best reading we could get. #6: A pier on Lake Ripley near the confluence. #7: View West from the pier with the confluence cottage on the left. #8: Boat and shore in front of confluence cottage. #9: Alpine Village Cafe just North of confluence garage. #10: Alpine cottages located near the confluence.

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  43°N 89°W (visit #2)  

#1: The view North towards the confluence garage.

(visited by Alan Fox, Carolyn Fox and Max)

03-Aug-2004 -- We took a road trip from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada to visit our daughters - one in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. and one in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is one of fourteen successful confluence visits along the way.

At Madison, Wisconsin we took Highway 12 at exit 142 off Interstate 90 and drove east to the town Cambridge. At the eastern edge of the town, just past the bowling lanes, we turned onto Alpine Village Lane, following it to the rear of the cottages along the western shore of Lake Ripley.

The confluence is indeed near the home shown in the first visit. Alan had great difficulty getting the zeros. The trees blocked satellite reception so he kept losing the signal. After we hunted around in the trees beside the property for quite some time, the residents arrived home. Alan explained the project to them. They were unaware their cottage was featured on the confluence site but very interested and cooperative. As a matter of fact, when Alan got onto their property and realized the confluence was in their garage, they got a ladder and accompanied him onto the roof. A big tree blocked the signal so the GPS photo included here was taken from the cafe stairway while leaning over the roof of the garage. A big wind and rain storm was brewing so the roof search was abandoned.

Several brightly painted alpine style cottages were near the confluence as well as an Alpine Cafe right next door to the "confluence garage". When we first arrived the lake was busy with boaters and water skiers. As the wind picked up we overheard someone said that the storm was to hit in an hour. We arrived back in Madison as the storm hit with a vengeance. Flash flood warnings were issued. Two inches of rain fell and some areas were covered with golf ball sized hail stones and littered with fallen trees. We had made our visit to the confluence just in time.

 All pictures
#1: The view North towards the confluence garage.
#2: The view NE from near the confluence.
#3: Looking East from near the confluence.
#4: The view to the West from near the confluence.
#5: Looking for the confluence on the garage roof and the best reading we could get.
#6: A pier on Lake Ripley near the confluence.
#7: View West from the pier with the confluence cottage on the left.
#8: Boat and shore in front of confluence cottage.
#9: Alpine Village Cafe just North of confluence garage.
#10: Alpine cottages located near the confluence.
ALL: All pictures on one page