the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Ohio

3.7 miles (5.9 km) S of Bloomville, Seneca, OH, USA
Approx. altitude: 289 m (948 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 41°S 97°E

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: With the leaves on the ground instead of the trees, the view to the north is much more open than in the summer. #3: The field to the east of 41N 83W is visible (just barely) this time of year. #4: The view to the south of 41N 83W looks a lot like the view to the west. #5: The view to the west of 41N 83W looks a lot like the view to the south. #6: The elusive ten zeroes with some seasonal ground cover. #7: Fresh tracks on the edge of the field to the east. #8: A historic home in nearby Bloomville, with an eating establishment whose name should appeal to any confluence hunter. #9: Less than a degree away, a confluence hunter re-completes his "life list" of America’s national parks. #10: Commemorating the winter guns at River Raisin Battlefield.

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  41°N 83°W (visit #5)  

#1: "The woods around are drab, light, and thin..."

(visited by Woody Harrell and Cynthia Harrell)

21-Nov-2010 -- Finally! Ten zeros near Detweiler – Lentner Road.

When one of your hobbies/ passions/ accomplishments is visiting all of America’s national parks, as long as new parks are being established, your task is never truly complete. So it was that with the coming of park # 393, River Raisin National Battlefield Park, which was declared a unit of the system on October 22, 2010, a trip to southeast Michigan was added to my future plans. The new park, in the city of Monroe near the western end of Lake Erie, commemorates one of the worst defeats of American forces in the War of 1812.

Coming up from the south through Ohio, the Buckeye State offered us much fresh confluence hunting territory along the way, but my ideal target was somewhere on 83o W, a line of longitude I had not yet visited. [Confluence points within the “lower 48” United States extend from 68o West to 125o West, and with ten additions to my confluence list in 2010, I have now visited cp’s on 62% of them…] I chose a point in pastoral Seneca County, and the resulting experience made me wax poetic:

Stopping by Mrs. Detweilwer’s woods, after Frost

”Whose woods are these?” I ask a man,
“There on the aughts I wish to stand.
To seek consent, it would seem smart;
Where lives the owner of this land?”

“You’ll find what sets her home apart:
Her use of junk cars as ‘yard art.’
It’s Ms. Detweiler you need to see;
House on the corner - good place to start.”

Four others have preceded me.
They all found foliage thick on trees,
So a “zeros post” remains undone:
Might Fall’s bare branches hold the key?

”Your task would seem a foolish reason,
To tramp these woods in hunting season.”
“We’ll wear red, and keep eyes peeled;
A gunshot wound would not be pleasing!”

We skirt around an empty field,
Where fresh plowed dirt, deer tracks reveal
Then into the woodline we advance,
Close watch on the GPS I wield.

Careful not to tear my pants,
I dodge the thorns and start the dance,
‘Til only aughts our displays show:
In woods drab, light, thin – to my glance.

So, success in Ohio:
I’m proud to add the “all zero,”
But still I have miles to go,
Homeward bound, with miles to go…

 All pictures
#1: "The woods around are drab, light, and thin..."
#2: With the leaves on the ground instead of the trees, the view to the north is much more open than in the summer.
#3: The field to the east of 41N 83W is visible (just barely) this time of year.
#4: The view to the south of 41N 83W looks a lot like the view to the west.
#5: The view to the west of 41N 83W looks a lot like the view to the south.
#6: The elusive ten zeroes with some seasonal ground cover.
#7: Fresh tracks on the edge of the field to the east.
#8: A historic home in nearby Bloomville, with an eating establishment whose name should appeal to any confluence hunter.
#9: Less than a degree away, a confluence hunter re-completes his "life list" of America’s national parks.
#10: Commemorating the winter guns at River Raisin Battlefield.
ALL: All pictures on one page
Joseph Kerski plans to visit this confluence between the 05-Jun-2024 and the 12-Jun-2024.